Become a vendor
Do you have a bike rentalcompany, a bike tour company or a bike shop?
Or perhaps you're looking to start one?

Unlock Your Full Potential - We'll Boost Your Bookings!
Your products will be showcased to millions of visitors!
We have a waiting list of 1,000+ year-round customers!

Say goodbye to seasonality and welcome year-round customers.
No more relying solely onsummer income. When you become part of Greece's premier bicycle marketplace, you'll thriveyear-round.

You have the flexibility to choose
Whether you wantto rent, lease, or sell your bikes or even all of theabove. Managing your inventory is super easy withour stock management system.

Convenience is the name of the game.
We not only provide you with seamless software, financial insights, and secure booking capabilities, but we also bring the customers to you.

You increase your market evenmore!
Additional services we can offer to you are bike maintenance and delivery of your bikes to theclients.

Just sit back and relax with bFlex!
Creating your account and uploading your products, is a straight forward process.

- Choose category
You upload your bike & choose which category or categories you want for the product. You can RENT, SUBSCRIBE or SELL. It can be all of them!

- Choose category
You upload your bike & choose which category or categories you want for the product. You can RENT, SUBSCRIBE or SELL. It can be all of them!
- Fill the entry
You write a small description, add pictures and you choose the prices per category.

- Fill the entry
You write a small description, add pictures and you choose the prices per category.

- Sit back and relax!
You just sit back, relax and wait for the bookings!

- Sit back and relax!
You just sit back, relax and wait for the bookings!
Hear directly from our vendors!
Meet Magda from Suncycling Athens, a bike tour company based in Petralona. Magda wants to add bike rental to their activities but wasn't sure which software to choose from, all had their disadvantages. Then she found bFlex, a marketplace that only provides the software, but also brings the clients! It was super easy and quick to make an account! I'm all ready for the new season!

Meet Magda from Suncycling Athens, a bike tour company based in Petralona. Magda wants to add bike rental to their activities but wasn't sure which software to choose from, all had their disadvantages. Then she found bFlex, a marketplace that only provides the software, but also brings the clients! It was super easy and quick to make an account! I'm all ready for the new season!

Meet Marios, owner of Bikelab, very passionate about fixing bicycles! One of the best rated mechanics in Greece! Aside from repairing bikes, Marios wants to sell spare parts, accessories and bicycles all over Greece. It's difficult and costly to build your own e-commerce website and that's only the start. After that you need to make sure customers find your website by investing in marketing. The marketplace is a perfect solution, easy to make an account and upload thousands of products. Afterwards, bFlex finds the right customers! Plus Marios also likes the idea that in the summer he can, with just a few clicks, rent some bikes via bFlex's marketplace and generate some extra income.